Monday, March 16, 2009

A Lack of Colour

The tried and true contents of our wardrobe.
Spoiler alert: There's lots of black.

Trapped in the Past, I Just Can't Seem to Move On

I know I'm not alone:

That shirt that you bought because it was on sale...
That skirt that hasn't fit you since first year...
The dress you argued you'd find an occasion to wear...
The jacket you paid far too much for to just throw out...

Maybe it was a gift, maybe it never fit you to begin with, or maybe, just maybe, it was an additional 50% off; either way, if you've never worn it, you probably never will. 

Whatever the item may be, I don't need to remind you: it's collecting dust in your wardrobe.
So in lieu of downsizing: throw it out, gift it to a friend, donate it to a shelter; it's taking up valuable space in your wardrobe, and you and I both know, there is someone out there who would appreciate it. Family friends of mine have a rule in their house: for every clothing item they purchase, they have to get rid of one item in their existing wardrobe. Easier said than done, I know, but I challenge you to try it. 

Whatever you choose to do, let me leave you with this catch-phrase of my mum's:
"would you pay full price for it?"
9 times out of 10 I'm willing to bet the answer is 'no'. So do yourself the favour, and walk away.

Now stop living through 'what-if's' and go throw out your pre-college jeans that you've been holding on to for "when you lose the weight", and come to terms with the fact that you will likely never be a size 25 again. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Life Would Suck Without You- and My Jimmy Choo's.

The point we are trying to make, we like shoes.
That is all.

This is Real, This is Me.

For two people who share so many things in common, we sure do dress differently....

P.S. In retrospect, I wish I brushed my hair.


...last but not least


Item 3
What: L.A.M.B. Black Suede Booties

First and foremost, I have big feet. I'm aware.
Now that we've established that...
Where: Purchased at Off Saks (The Saks 5th outlet store) from the Premium Outlets in Palm Desert, for roughly $150. 
Note: If you're ever in the area, the Premium Outlets there are the best outlets I've ever been too (and believe you me, I've been to my fair share). There's Gucci, Tods, Dior, Prada, the list goes on and on; just to put things in perspective, while I was there, Gucci had an additional 75% of sale prices on all clothing merchandise. I kid you not.
Why: The four inch heel makes me instantly feel a million miles long, and better still, they are surprisingly comfortable; I'd wear them with my PJ's if I could. 



Item 2
What: Snake Skin Clutch

Where: Two years ago I did a five-week summer course in Paris studying Trend Forecasting, and Fashion Styling. Anyways, to make a long story short, our Trend Forecasting teacher took us on a field trip to this amazing vintage store, which, as I'm sure you can already guess, is where I found this bag. Having already blown most of my money on wine and che
ese, I was hesitant to buy this clutch at 40 euro; but my teacher talked me into it, and I figured that thereby was a legitimate excuse enough for my parents ( "but mum, my teacher said...")
Why: As in the case of last post, for me clothes have the ability to house memories. This bag, in its essence reminds me of that summer in Paris - I can practically smell the croissants just thinking about it. 

These are a few of my favourite things...


Item 1
What: Brown Eyed Girl Belt

First and foremost, before I cover the where and why, this is quite possibly my favourite possession of all time. So now for the nitty-gritty:

Where: On a family trip to the San Juan Islands a few summers 
back my parents and I stumbled across this small store a little off 
the beaten track, where low and behold this belt was. Forgive me 
for saying this- as it is a belt we are talking about- but it was love
 at first site; it was also two hundred dollars. Needless to say, I put it down, only to my complete surprise, to  find it wrapped up at the breakfast table for me the next morning. 

Why: Every time I wear the belt it seems I have someone compliment me on it. It's unique, and yet completely and utterly me- were I to let myself be defined by a belt of course.

Fun Fact: Van Morrison's Brown Eyed Girl is also the ringtone on my cell phone. In case you I didn't make it glaringly obvious, I'm a bit of a fan.)

The Jail House Rock

In lieu of keeping this brief, I am using this space and the next 150 odd words to push this seasons' one-piece jumpsuit

Now before you can express your concern, this 'one-piece' is not an extension of the childhood counterpart you likely wore to bed as a kid; you don't need to accessorize it with a shovel and a hoe, nor do you have to be behind bars- or look good in orange- to wear it. Instead, the only thing you need to tout this look, is confidence (and maybe long legs).

Brave it in a black satin for a night out on the town, or couple it with flats an a bomber jacket to hit the stores. Regardless, however you choose to wear it, don't feel compelled to pick up a can of paint. 

Above Look: Urban Outfitters
Kimchi Blue Lynda Onesie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Age Old Battle: Fashion vs. Practicality

So all you shopaholics:
Q: What is the best outfit to wear shopping?

As far as preference goes, I personally suppose it depends on the application of said shopping endeavor. Let me explain. 

Situation 1. 
Forgive me in advance for how snobby as this sounds, BUT if I am going shopping and want good service, generally speaking, I will try to wear something nice. This gives me a rather convenient excuse to try on designer loot (with no intent of buying), without having the sales associates whisper behind my back.

Situation 2.
This situation is a straight sneakers, and denim affair. We're talking a back-to-school type shopping trip; the one you loath, but have to do. It's monotonous, tiring, and almost impossible to get through without a large coffee. Fact of the matter, no one actually enjoys this type of shopping trip, but either way, comfy shoes are a must.

Situation 3.
This pertains to the last post. Having experience sample sales in New York at their finest (or worst, depending on how you look at it), I can conclude that the best feasible option for such shopping would be: leggings, flip flops, and a tank top and a sweater- or a comparable combination. The important thing about dressing for this occasion is easy access- now don't let your minds wander. What I mean is, being able to take your shoes on, and off (...and on, and off) without dealing with the fuss of zippers, or laces. This ensemble is practical in the respect that you can throw a shirt or skirt on without having to deal with the hassle of a change room. 
NB: In sample-sale lingo, "change room" is quite literally defined as a curtained off section, with few mirrors, lots of girls, and piles of clothes. 

So anyways, if you're reading, let me know what you think the best possible shopping outfit might be- just so I can put my sisters argument to rest that practicality is the end all be all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

...I Paid Full Price. FML.

Truth be told, I almost have issue paying full price for anything. As many might agree, it is my personal belief that nothing trumps an outlet mall, a sample sale, or anything involving the words 50% off. Let's face it, there's something about the satisfaction that you, and you alone, will know how much you paid (especially if your friends think it set you back an arm and a leg).

While I consider myself - for the most part- to be a well-mannered, courteous person, I almost become almost another person when in 'sale mode'. I am a force to be reckoned with, and I'm willing to admit, it's almost scary, and totally out of character. 

For those of you not familiar with discount shopping, I can only describe it as a total and utter adrenaline rush. Picture this: [insert favourite designer] boots....last pair....your size.....75% off- almost too good to be true. There is no room for manners. The only thing standing between you and those boots, is the other hundred size-nine girls heading for said boots. It's a competitive sport, and if only it were recognized by the Olympics, I'd be a sure contestant for the gold.

Some of the best items in my closet have come from the depths of some clearance bin, or been tagged with that tell-a-tale red sticker, and nine times out of ten, I got them, not as the result of luck, but rather, of hard work (ie. pushing those other hundred girls out of the way).

So my advise: take some time, peruse that sale rack, research sales in your home town, and above and beyond all else, wear comfortable shoes.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I Had a Dream....of Dresses

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine had a bunch of out-of-season dresses donated to her; in an effort to raise money for the Special Olympics, she decided to get them reworked by young Vancouver designers, auctioning off the resulting designs. 

So that, in a nutshell, is how "Dresses for Dreams" was born. Put on last night at a nightclub downtown, there was wine, there was food, and above and beyond all, there was fashion- in other words, a few of my favourite things.

I spent the evening working the Silent Auction, and thereby, in some twisted rational, took it upon myself to buy one of these custom creations - charitable of me I know. Needless to say, I got a very cute pink tiered dress for only $55; and no, for all you concerned citizens, I did not rig it. 

Call me biased, but I would say the event was a huge success; not only did it raise money for a charitable cause, and showcase local talent, but -for serious bonus points- served the most delicious mango, shrimp salad. Speaking of, after the platter I consumed, I should probably go put my sneakers on and go for a much needed run, or next thing you know, I won't even be able to fit this dress.

P.S. Math may not be my forte, but looks like that it now $61 out of my savings account (note below). Expect more damage this weekend.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insufficient Funds

Starbucks Soy Latte: $3.49

Chocolate chip cookie: $1.99 

Having your debit denied: Embarrassing

For all of you who have had the cashier ask you "ma'am, that didn't go through, can I try another card?", you know what I am talking about. 

It's embarrassing. Especially when the line behind you is long, and the grand total is barely over the five dollar mark. You struggle to find some witty line, or  hope they'll believe "...guess my cheque hasn't gone through yet...", as you either collect your things (and your dignity) and leave, or hand over your Visa. 

Since I don't have a Visa, it was impossible for me to go with the latter, so, there's another $6.00 out of my savings account, and another reason not to go to Starbucks. Either way, this does not bode well for that vintage dress I was hoping to buy- one on left- looks like I'll have to hope it is still there once my cheque goes through... 

Bottom line: I will either have to kick my daily cup 'a joe, and/or resort to making coffee at home.

Ps. bear in mind, the dress is not to be couple with jeans, but rather, a little makeup.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

that's not my name

I can't tell you how many New Years' have past where I resolve to gain some will-power. Without doing the math, I would say it is about equal to the number of years I have had my own debit card. Bottom line, I am kind of a 'yes (wo)man'; I am an easy sale, whether that means buying that lipgloss the sales associate is pushing on me, going to lunch when I have already eaten, or hitting the town when I know I shouldn't.

So character flaws aside, now for a little background info:

Name: Emily Damara Jones

Age: 20.5 years of age

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia 

Occupation: Perpetual Spender

I've been interested in fashion since, let's see, since I was probably four, and first got my hands on a sketchbook- needless to say, drawing is not a skill set of my. Regardless, I've always instinctively known that I wanted some career path involving fashion, just the application for doing so has been a little blurry. In the meantime, I'm buying myself some time- or stalling, depending on how you look at it- either way, I'm getting an Arts Undergrad degree.

Speaking of which, that just reminded me that I need to get crackin' on my English homework,

All for now,