Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Things I Beg you Never to Wear

Courtesy of: Guest blogger- Hilary Macmillan

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I warn you to read with caution. In no way will I sugar coat this and no, I am not self-declaring myself “fashion guru” but I BEG you please stop wearing these things because maybe if the world is lucky, people will stop buying these items and then eventually companies will stop making them and we could hold a bonfire and burn all these excess items. Is it terribly off-putting that this is my dream? 

I understand the notion of personal style and how important it is to express yourself through your clothing but please, please, when waking up in the morning, or afternoon I beg you, pretty please with a cherry on top, forgo any of these items. Please just put them in the trash, or recycling now.

This item is my pet peeve - this horrific trend needs to cease to exist: plastic, holey shoes. Yes my dears, CROCS. PLEASE REFRAIN. This trend is out of control! Did you know there are even such things as croc charms? Those are 2 words I wish I never had to utter. 

Mom Jeans. Enough said. These horrendous jeans do not flatter anyone. If all else fails ladies please just opt for nice dark denim, it does not have to be low rise it can be a simple boot cut.

Now this one, you would think, is strictly for the guys but unfortunately I have experienced this “trend” (can I even call it that?) on women. Super low rise jeans. The kind that are so terrifyingly low that on ladies you can see, dare I say it, their unsightly regions. Now for you men out there, if your jeans are hanging off of you that means your jeans are too big. Do not just go and buy a belt, sacrifice them for the greater good. 

This isn’t so much an article of clothing as much as it is just a general faux-pas. Bra straps, clear or not, should not be shown. I know you ladies think you are being clever by wearing clear bra straps but in no way are they invisible. They look the same as fabric ones. Please just buy a strapless bra, or sacrifice that fabulous halter dress or top. There is nothing worse that a woman who is wearing a halter top with her bra straps showing, it is simply unsightly. We have all made this mistake but if you want a really great strapless bra even for ladies who have bigger chests buy the Wacoal Silver halo lace convertible strapless bra. Make sure you buy the right size!!! I cannot stress how important it is to get a bra fitting. It might seem a little awkward but suck it up and go.  

Finally, fleece. If you aren’t camping or a lumberjack lets just not wear fleece of any kind: pants, jackets, or sweaters, ok? Thanks!