Monday, March 9, 2009

...I Paid Full Price. FML.

Truth be told, I almost have issue paying full price for anything. As many might agree, it is my personal belief that nothing trumps an outlet mall, a sample sale, or anything involving the words 50% off. Let's face it, there's something about the satisfaction that you, and you alone, will know how much you paid (especially if your friends think it set you back an arm and a leg).

While I consider myself - for the most part- to be a well-mannered, courteous person, I almost become almost another person when in 'sale mode'. I am a force to be reckoned with, and I'm willing to admit, it's almost scary, and totally out of character. 

For those of you not familiar with discount shopping, I can only describe it as a total and utter adrenaline rush. Picture this: [insert favourite designer] boots....last pair....your size.....75% off- almost too good to be true. There is no room for manners. The only thing standing between you and those boots, is the other hundred size-nine girls heading for said boots. It's a competitive sport, and if only it were recognized by the Olympics, I'd be a sure contestant for the gold.

Some of the best items in my closet have come from the depths of some clearance bin, or been tagged with that tell-a-tale red sticker, and nine times out of ten, I got them, not as the result of luck, but rather, of hard work (ie. pushing those other hundred girls out of the way).

So my advise: take some time, peruse that sale rack, research sales in your home town, and above and beyond all else, wear comfortable shoes.

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