Monday, March 16, 2009

Trapped in the Past, I Just Can't Seem to Move On

I know I'm not alone:

That shirt that you bought because it was on sale...
That skirt that hasn't fit you since first year...
The dress you argued you'd find an occasion to wear...
The jacket you paid far too much for to just throw out...

Maybe it was a gift, maybe it never fit you to begin with, or maybe, just maybe, it was an additional 50% off; either way, if you've never worn it, you probably never will. 

Whatever the item may be, I don't need to remind you: it's collecting dust in your wardrobe.
So in lieu of downsizing: throw it out, gift it to a friend, donate it to a shelter; it's taking up valuable space in your wardrobe, and you and I both know, there is someone out there who would appreciate it. Family friends of mine have a rule in their house: for every clothing item they purchase, they have to get rid of one item in their existing wardrobe. Easier said than done, I know, but I challenge you to try it. 

Whatever you choose to do, let me leave you with this catch-phrase of my mum's:
"would you pay full price for it?"
9 times out of 10 I'm willing to bet the answer is 'no'. So do yourself the favour, and walk away.

Now stop living through 'what-if's' and go throw out your pre-college jeans that you've been holding on to for "when you lose the weight", and come to terms with the fact that you will likely never be a size 25 again. 

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